After Picasso
Cubism was pioneered by Picasso and Bracque in the early 20th century as an attempt to show many sides of an object or person on one two-dimensional plane. Here I have taken images from a multitude of viewpoints and combined them to represent the facets of some of the incredible diversity of foliage that we have in British Columbia.
magnolia stellata, 2021
pink dogwood, 2020
dogwood, 2020
white cherry blossom, 2021
liriodendron, 2020
hibiscus, 2020
japanese maple, 2019
gingko, 2020
lace leaf maple, 2020
alder, 2020
urban maple, 2020
locust, 2020
beech, 2020
last maple, 2020
ironwood, 2019
snow day, 2021